Exfoliation is key to healthy, smooth, fresher looking skin!

Get clinical results in your own home with the Rodan & Fields Macro E tool!

Why bother?

As we age (esp over 30 years old) the process of cell turnover slows down. Cells start to pile up unevenly on the skin’s surface, giving it a dry, rough, dull appearance and contributing to blemishes and scaling.  Exfoliation is beneficial because it removes those cells that are clinging on, revealing the fresher, healthier, younger skin cells below. It also makes it easier for products like serums and moisturizers to penetrate, thus less product is needed for optimal results, saving you $. Exfoliation is important for men as it exposes the hair follicles, allowing a better shave.  Watch my video to learn more and see the tool in action!

While the initial purchase price of the Macro E may seem costly, since the unit is rechargeable and can offer you an unlimited amount of exfoliation treatments, it may be less expensive in the long run than buying jar after jar of exfoliating scrub or paying hundreds of dollars for individual professional treatments. Contact me to find out how you can get a discount on  your purchase!

What do you think?



caplato February 24, 2015 Tips for Amazing Skin